Good duet for kazoos?

I'm not kidding. My young daughter is looking for a good duet that can be played on kazoos. This means it needs a recognizable tune, not long lyrical segments without much musical progression because those get lost on kazoo. Music of the Night (Phantom of the Opera) works well because it has a lot of musical variety, and it is easily recognizable even on the kazoo. But it is not a duet.

Even though she won't be singing the words, a duet about love and sex would not be appropriate.

Any thoughts? Bing Crosby and and David Bowie do a great duet that is a mashup of The Little Drummer Boy and Peace on Earth, but without the lyrics, the Peace on Earth part is probably not recognizable to many kids.



Preferably something where the two "voices" are together or rapidly alternating, not a long part where one person sings and then a long part where the other sings.
And preferably something with one high voice and one low voice. The Flower Duet would otherwise be perfect.


For ideas for duets, I would say put on some pandora in the car, as you drive on down to Sam Ash, to get her a real instrument that makes real notes! ;)


I would like to know more about this too


Actually not. I have the finances to buy wholesale && already found a website that will sell to me. Thanks though lol.