Change my profile picture?

I've been to edit profile but all I can do is LOOK at it! Tried using help but no matter what I did I couldn't find an article describing how to change my photo. That's all I want to do. It shouldn't be harder than rocket science!

Anyone know how to change your profile picture?


Favorite Answer

You can't. At least not right now. I have heard Yahoo is working on the site and has temporarily disabled profile picture editing, so for now you're stuck you dogface.

When I read your question I did some research, thinking I knew how to change it. But when I attempted to edit MY profile I couldn't. That lead me to investigate a little further. From what I've read others saying, you will have to wait until Yahoo makes up their mind on how they're going to handle it.

Good luck.



Try this:
Google it.


Try this:
Google it.