Who really believes that Donald Trump is the future of the Republican party?


Republicans and that's why Donald Trump has been ahead in the polls.


There is more than one Republican Party now, as evidenced by the large number of candidates who are running for just the presidency. Republicans try to rally around a core of empty slogans, that they never get around to accomplishing. Trump appeals to a certain swath of Republicans, but the party is a very loose coalition that is more apart than together on the best way to govern and who to support among that large group.


I have no idea what the future of the Republican Party is. The Republican Party will have very little future if its backward policies remain firmly entrenched in the past, in the last century and even in the 19th century.


Trump is the current angry republican party, but that is not sustainable. In a country as diverse as America, you can't have a party whose main platform in hate.


If the Republican Party was in Europe, it would be three different parties.

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