Gun control policy : here's we want to put that in vote .?
As President speech the chart of mass kill and shooting by gun violence chart show since 2001 to 2012 dead toll was even higher than military causality in the war zone of Afghanistan,Iraq and Syria plus all the terrorist attaches. It is interesting progressive countries such as European and Asia hardly you can see gun caring even by law enforcement.A safe city is city without gun ,so law enforcement can act better (no brutality during arrest) .Our kids have fear to go school ,cause you never know one day a crazy going to open fire in the class or what?Even our self have fear to have a normal talk cause you never know the person front you will pull the gun or will talk .A simple arrest or stop by police ,you will see police hand is on his gun ,reason he/she does not know the person is armed or not ,so it make it so difficult and stressful to make the correct decision or correct move .
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