How to discourage little boy's curiosity about my breasts?


The 5-year-old son of our friends asks to see my boobs every time I see him -- this started a few months ago. I think his mom already talked to him, because he only does it when his parents are out of the room. I've said, "Please don't ask me that again," but it's not helping. I just change the subject and try to divert his attention. Any advice?


I don't think you should discourage it. Depending on your relationship with the child (this could get dicey if you're not a parent or a family member) just calmly say something like, "those are breasts. Every woman has them. Their function is to feed a baby." The more you act like it's something he shouldn't be interested in them, the more fascinated he'd be, so you might as well confront his curiosity head on.


Just call his mother, loudly, and tell her to come back in the room and pick up her kid, he's acting inappropriately, and tell them why.


Let him hold it and explain to he won't ask u again. ..if the need arises let him suck it and if that turns u on...just relax let it over and finger urself after he leaves.


cover them up properly