Is there a correlation between high education and liberalism?

Why or why not?

Armchair Goddess #12015-10-18T18:52:29Z

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Probably, there is a correlation between high education and liberalism. However, the ambiguity of this question as stated makes an answer more difficult. For example: How is the word "liberalism" being defined here?
Our founding fathers were liberals, some say...and for those who accept the concept of Jesus as a real person, then Jesus is the consummate liberal.

If this question is being asked as part of a college paper assignment, you might want to begin your project with some definitions, the advantage being these definitions will use up some of the space for any # of pages requirement [insert smiley face here]. You might want to give some structure to the word "correlation" by adding either "positive" or "negative"...although you could address both, and you could also add some sort of context for liberalism.

This being said, there is quite a bit of evidence that people with higher (college-level) education tend to be less inclined to bigotry or narrow-mindedness and are generally more tolerant of others' differences. Most Liberals within the Democratic party are champions of social justice, but this is not limited to just Liberals so, again, you need to define the context for your use of "liberalism."


Yes, research has shown a correlation between education and liberalism. Education teaches you about the world, and you find out that there are other ways of doing things, and other people in the world who have value.


Most Liberals have a higher education/graduate/post-graduate degrees.

Tend to be more logical/rational about social/business/political issues in life...

Fox News Lover2015-10-18T18:41:24Z

No but there's a strong correlation between liberals and terrorism.

Mr E2015-10-18T19:25:45Z

high indoctrination, yes. wasting years in university listening to some commie pinko pantywaste ivory tower perfesser who has a a picture of mao in his office who puts down free enterprise and knows nothing about the real world and how it works.

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