Israel is an apartheid state operating a violent *48 year occupation* against the Palestinians. They possess 300 nuclear weapons while the Palestinians don't own a single tank. You want to pretend it's the "poor Israelis" who are the "victims" here, go ahead, but level headed people know this has nothing do with Israel "defending itself" and everything to do with Israel defending it's decades-long occupation and land thefts against a helpless people.
Steal their land, oppress them and then call them "savages/terrorists" when they try to fight back. This is the crime perpetrated against the Native Americans, all over again.
When will Israel's right to defend its territory..? Jewish American broadcaster asked when Israel will have the right to defend its territory and the response was surprise Update: You must see this. Please read your point
There is a simple question here -- who would you rather see occupying that land ,the Israelis or another Muslim state controlled by Islamic extremists?