Favorite Answer
Lmao What a dumb question.... ^_^
Every country in the world has a mixed economy with some socialism and some capitalism in the mix. The United States is no exception. The public school system is socialism in the sense that it is government controlled. the military is socialism in the sense that it is government controlled. The car industry is mainly capitalistic in the sense that the car companies are privately owned and controlled (though the government had to save the industry during the Great Recession).
Socialist countries like Denmark have many private companies that are controlled by the free market. So all economies are mixed. What we really should debate is what parts of socialism and capitalism should be in the mix.
We are an Oligarchy. Rich corporations control the marketplace and much of the government and they invest their profits globally in other money making ventures rather than invest the capital in improving their own business and communities. Do you buy you food from a farmer or from a corporate grocery store? do you pay a mortgage to a local home loan or to a multinational bank? Was you car manufactured by an independent shop or a multi-national corporation? When any of these businesses have a profit do they improve their products or use the money to buy out the competition?
Does the working class own any of the major means of production? No? Then it's a capitalist economy.