If you report and answer, will you get notified when it gets removed?
I've reported many answers that violated the community guidelines, but I noticed that I don't get notified when they approve my claim. I've always been wondering how I can find out. Do they send me an email saying that the answer I reported was successfully removed?
Favorite Answer
No. There are no email notifications sent regarding whether the answer was removed. However, you can refresh the page to see if it disappears. You can also test your reporting power by flagging the fraudulent Yahoo support number spam. Report it and then hit F5 to see if it goes away.
Nope. You dont need to know that its removed all they will do is just remove it and take away 10 points from that user and if that user tried to appeal to it and it gets rejected they lost 10 more points. But if your interested if it will be removed you can check back on the question see if they did remove it.
No, because it won't get removed. You can observe that this applies to 'questions' where the poster gives their age as being under that supposedly allowed. This is a breach of the Terms and Conditions, and the sort of thing that gives a website a bad name, but 'hey - YA is unmoderated, or YA is community moderated' in fact of course, there are people employed as moderators even if they prefer a different job description. The one thing which cannot be disputed is that YA is BADLY moderated, and in its current form represents a danger to minors.
No, the only way you'll know it got removed is if you went back to it later to see if it was deleted and couldn't find it (even in your browser history)