Philosophic questions on CODE.?

1. If you could change the code around on issue, is it your moral obligation to do so.
2. Does changing the code obviate moral responsibility diminish one's ability to make moral judgments.
3. Is it ethical to use technology to alter a persons beliefs.


If that code is immoral yes you could not decide to change the code if you were not able to make judgments . Never even though I understand it is done quite a lit

Curtis Edward Clark2015-10-21T16:12:10Z

Alan is right. What is 'code', first of all? How does one change it "on issue"?
"Does changing the code obviate moral responsibility?" is a question by itself. "Does changing the code diminish one's ability to make moral judgments?" is a separate question.


1) Yes.
2) No.
3) Yes.
