To remove female gender roles is to abolish sexism?

Is this what is meant when feminists speak of doing away with female gender roles? We've all noticed they want to keep the male gender roles but the female gender roles, they want to do away with them. Feminists want to do away with female gender roles as they see them as enslavement to the male gender. What they fail to see, fail???? What they don't want to see is, male gender roles can be just as bad if not worse. Most often worse and many men are taking offense to this. Nor, can they be blamed. I will repeat, nor can they be blamed. I have come to an honest conclusion and let us see if you agree with me; to only abandon female gender roles is to engage in sexism not be gone with it.
To welcome it with open arms.


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Only if you abolish Male Gender roles too


No, since having the world depend on men sticking to their gender roles, particularly the dirty/dangerous ones, is clearly sexist.

When just as many women are injured or die in job related injuries, will we really have reached feminist nirvana, since during the recent "mancession", feminists raised the alarm that percentage wise, more women were getting injured than before.

That's because those guys had lost their jobs and weren't on the job to get injured.

Wisely, feminists realized that pushing the issue would only emphasize the difference in absolute job danger/mortality.


I don't notice many feminists who want to keep male gender roles, unless they are essentialists who also want to keep female ones.

But there are always hypocrites in any bunch. I'm sure they are out there.


Actually it's not true that feminism wants to keep men's gender roles. Feminism has always wanted all people to be who they want to be and if the role doesn't suit them to be able to discard it without being totally rejected by society and pushed to depression and suicide. Sadly women took up the rejection of mandatory imposed roles but men have been afraid to do the same.


Why are males and females born different physically? Because we are meant to be different. Men have testosterone. Women have estrogen. Because we are different.

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