How are gender roles a social construct when in this day and age there are people who live by them; should they, too, be doing the same?

Shouldn't they be doing just like every one else and not following gender roles?
Why aren't they, then?


The natural facts of the matter are that men and women are individuals. They relate with each other because there is a male/female or positive/negative connection or attraction between them. Gender roles in the world of nature are totally meaningless beyond the fact that females bare young and males are in the vast majority of circumstances physically stronger. So baring young for females and protection for males are generally the natural world's "gender roles".

Humans have a social construct of gender roles based purely on how the powers that be (PTB) would like things. That is it. The masses follow what is conditioned and indoctrinated into them by the PTB and are very successful at it. The gender roles of humans flies in the face of nature and one day will therefore crumble. Until then humans will have an indoctrinated mass of people following what they are told to do and a minority who see things clearly and reject the gender role rubbish.


People use trial and error a lot. Not always there own either, as a means for problem solving..especially when it's common where they are at with it individually, and what each person is comfortable with. For example, one person might be more comfortable with a female caregiver, and not a male because this is what they are use to and it's good, it might be the other way around for another, and still it's good. In this case we can agree that it is a good social construct that has a good attitude that reaches the goal a person wants, that is good. Good, being the main point here, I think.


Gender is not a social construct. It is an evolutionary and biological trait. If you have a penis your biologically male, if you have a vagina, your biologically a female. The idea that it is a social construct comes from feminist theory. That we are assigned our genders at birth. This is untrue. The doctor saying "it's a boy" is a construct of language. Language is a social construct and is how we communicate. Our genders are not assigned any more than your eye color is.


Gender roles only exist in our culture anymore for those who wish to adhere to them.

Men don't need to be the breadwinners anymore, and women don't have to stay home with children.

If a man chooses to be the family provider, or a woman chooses to be a full time mother, than those choices should not be looked down upon or seen as backwards. It's their choice and their life. It's no one else's business.


It depends on various other factors. If they are superstitious and orthodox, they should select some auspicious time to do this in consultation with a priest or an astrologer.

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