And why shouldn't an anti-feminist man treat his wife like a queen? Why wouldn't he treat her like a queen? Doesn't he have the right to?


I got this from the question about would feminist be angry if they saw an anti-feminist man with a lovely wife.




I believe I did not take it wrong I went a step further to include how he treats her.


This is for those who do not realize it is a counter question. It is often assumed because a man is against feminism he is assumed to treating his wife like less then himself. In other words; she is or she has to be his slave.


And, knowing this not to be true I asked this question.


Favorite Answer

An anti-feminist man is well within his rights to treat his wife like a queen, the same goes for an anti-feminist woman as to how she treats her husband.
Anti-feminism is a political stand, it's not about telling people how they should be living their lives, like some ideologies do.


I think it goes much deeper than this for me, because I'm a queen already. I don't always need a man that has to validate this fact, but it's always nice when he does. If he didn't have a right too, I know a lot of men that would be in trouble for that right now, and I doubt very seriously that he is going to give up his title any too soon. If you know what I mean.


Um, you got that question wrong. He asked if feminists get angry when they see an anti-feminist man with a beautiful wife. He didn't mention anything about how he treats that lovely-beautiful wife.

Edit: ''This is for those who do not realize it is a counter question. It is often assumed because a man is against feminism he is assumed to treating his wife like less then himself. In other words; she is or she has to be his slave.''

No, his point was that feminists will be angry/mad because he's happy, not because they will think he treats his beautiful wife badly.


As long as there's mutual respect, demonstrating adoration for one's partner is perfectly acceptable.


No reason. I love my wife. I just don't think she and other women deserve to be advantaged. My wife doesn't think so either.