T or F gynocentricity at one time was positive and now it is negative?

There was a time, for example, a man would pass a lady and tip his hat. These days .... .... .... ... ..... ....
Gynocentricity means in a nutshell to put women first.


As the article below indicates, gynocentrism has long existed. Through out much of history women have been considered to be deserving of more protection than men: It was usually men who were sent of to fight and die in wars, men who were expected to do the most dangerous work, women on the lifeboat first, etc. I don't know that it used to be positive, but it used to be more balanced against other concepts, like men making most of the decisions,(including voting rights) men being property owners, etc.

In recent times, gynocentrism has changed due to feminist influence. They have put a lot of effort into focusing attention on women's issues while downplaying men's issues, winning many policies advantaging women in the process. It's a very different balance. Now women have all the same rights and decision making abilities as men, yet feminism still wins more and more entitlements for women and still downplays issues affecting males.



"T or F gynocentricity at one time was positive and now it is negative?"

This really relates to the ideas of chivalry. Women as a class (so to speak) were elevated by the ideals of chivalry during the times when they did not have all their Rights. Of course, this was during the times where women could not, or did not choose to work the only jobs that were available to common class people. Those, ugly, hard manual labour jobs that shortened men's lives to less than 40 years of age.

Since only men would work, they were the only ones with an income. And this meant that they were the only ones that could be held responsible by law. Men were indeed responsible for the providence and protection of their wives and children. This Responsibility, gave men legal Rights. It wasn't until much later when we evolved into work that women could perform; office jobs, that "women's liberation" (from men and their families) took off. And the feminist narrative has been one where men kept women away from all jobs in the past. (they never mention how ugly those jobs were)

Chivalry ended with the rise of feminism, because both cannot co-exist. Feminism tells us to treat females as equals. Chivalry tells us to treat ladies as special. Today; in the first world, we live by feminized principles. During the transition, many men were surprised to be berated by over-zealous feminists who felt it was their duty to make it a negative experience for men who thought they would be chivalrous and hold a door open for them. Today, we are totally confused about this.


People do not have to separate a woman from a lady, nor a gentleman from a man. The two co-exist as one that produces a rather classic society of people that respect one another based upon how they feel in positive manner.


Gentlemen used to tip their hats to ladies.

The vast majority of men and women did not fit the income bracket to be gentlemen and ladies. In either case, I'd rather be permitted to own property or throw my physically abusive husband in jail than have men tipping their hats for me.


It's questions like this that make me 100% sure you're a man masquerading as a woman.

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