Should i make a back-up plan in case my business partner bails?
Me and a friend had been talking about starting a business. We pretty much both agreed on the type of business and i wrote out a business plan and got some figures on how much it would cost us to start it up and how long it would take to make a profit. i estimated we'd need about 30k to start. I am in the military so we agreed to start in when i get out.
I started some saving stuff and am putting away 500 a month so buy the time im out ill have around 21000. I am also getting books on the subject and am going to major in business just to have more knowledge.
He's freelancing for people which is fine but he's cheating himself. He's doing a lot of work for free and is also spending his money on equipment so he's not really saving any. He says its fine because he's getting exposure but idk. I told him that he should start charging a little more because between gas, time and equipment he's basically paying to work for other people.
He really wants to start this business and i think he's serious but i just don't think he's thinking long term. He says that its good for him to get te exposure and experience but in the long term i think ill come back with 20k ready to start a business and he wont be able to contribute.
Should i make a back up plan for myself just in case?