Why are people freaking out over a red cup when there's so many other issues going on in the world??

I heard about people freaking out over Starbucks cups because they are red without anything Christmas themed (even though we're still in November and red is actually a Christmas color) because it's "persecuting" Christian people. I mean, there are so many other issues in this world and they're throwing a fit over a disposable paper cup that they're going to trash after they finish using that.

Are SOME (which means NOT ALL if you still don't know what it means, call your pre-k teacher and ask) Christians just running out of things to cry about because they lost the argument about gay-marriage persecuting them or are they just bored and tired at this point???


Those people freaking out about a red cup being a war on Christmas are evangelical god warrior nut cases who are constantly freaking out about something they can feel persecuted about because that's what they do. Rolls eyes

Susanna LIVES2015-11-13T10:20:56Z

although I don't frequent starbucks, I don't get it either, looks more like a pagan queen on their cup(s), it just seems in todays society, EVERYONE wants to be heard so they complain at the drop of a hat...15 minutes ya know, truly there are far more important issues to actually try and do good for...seems anything will upset and bind panties these daze...I shall not let this hinder my journey and you shouldn't either, I know He'd rather have me Sharing His Truth & Promises, I am not of this world:-) I'm "in" it alright but I will not conform to it...my Grandpa told me Long ago, we must choose our battles, and this red cup thingy, not it lol;)


I am almost positive Starbucks either invented this controversy or made sure it went viral. They are getting a ton of free advertising and people buying coffee to spite the protesters. Even the proposed Christian "protest" was to go buy coffee and make the barista write merry Christmas on the cup. It's all way too perfect for it not to be contrived.


Because they're afraid of coming up with their own thoughts, because they've become so conditioned to having pre-printed Christmas Wishes telling them how to think. It's scary thinking on your own for the first time.


Because some Christians don't feel as revolutionary about the things of God. So they put that emotion into worthless things like Starbucks cups. Christmas. Easter. Things Jesus never brought up.

If you read about the ecumenical councils, you will see that pattern in church history. They typically argued about things God never brought up. Some people would lose their livelihood, their freedom, and their lives over what ecumenical councils decided.

See, spiritually speaking, some Christians never learn from the past because the mistakes of the past are actually promoted. They remain spiritual babies, they whine and fuss about coffee cups in holiday seasons.

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