Why is it I'm able to sleep after having an energy drink right before bed?

So I'm quite a massive caffeine addict and I can have anything between 480mg up to 1g of a caffeine in a day.

Anyway, I have noticed if I ever withdraw from caffeine I find it quite difficult to sleep. I feel extremely tired due to the withdrawal but my body refuses to sleep too.

However if I am keeping my caffeine intake up, I get tired around 10pm and go to bed and wake up in the morning perfectly happy.

I found lately though before I go to bed I have a massive craving for an energy drink, I typically have a can and then doze off to sleep quite contently. I also struggle to sleep if I don't have source of caffeine nearby which I can drink in the night (I rarely do drink during the night, but I just feel happy when it is there).

I have found I don't even really rely on caffeine to stay awake either. In the morning I usually won't have my first dose of caffeine till about 3 hours into my day.

I actually tend to have more on the build up to me going to sleep and without it I seriously struggle.

How come I struggle sleeping without caffeine?


Favorite Answer

You may be like me where caffeine acts as a depressant instead of stimulant.


Actually, it is the timing. If you were to wait until the caffeine kicked in, you wouldn't get to sleep as easily - maybe. People without insomnia can generally do almost anything they want, and still sleep. But even for people with insomnia, caffeine is not the big problem people think it is, according to sleep science research.

The effect you are getting is similar to a "power nap", where a cup of coffee is consumed immediately before taking a nap when someone already feels sleepy (the feeling of being able to actually sleep, not just feeling tired), it won't kick in 20-45 minutes, and won't wake the person up. So by the time the nap time is over, usually about 30-60 minutes, the caffeine has gone into effect, and the bit of sleep is refreshing as well.