Is there a splinter?

I just stepped on a SMALL piece of glass (literally thinner than a millimeter) and it cut my foot slightly. The actual cut is no bigger than a seeing needle injury or something similar; it's really just the size of a speck. It bled a bit, so I put a band aid on it. I was wondering if there might be something in there though. Im fine while walking on it, really, but if you press hard on it there's a dull ache. This happened only a half hour ago so I'm not sure if there was an infection or not. There aren't many urgent cares or doctors around here, and I'm not driving an hour and a half for a splinter I'm not even sure is there, so can you help me?


Favorite Answer

Did you pull the glass out? If so you likely got the main piece out, however there could be a small piece left in your skin. The other concern I would have is that the cut runs the risk of infection!

My advice is take the band-aid off, run the cut in lukewarm water and then apply polysporn to the cut! This does two things... the first being it draws out any debris in the skin and it cleans out all the dirt taking away the chance of infections.


just to be safe, you should use a home remedy thing like the potato peel method or baking soda paste and leave it on your splinter area, so after a couple of hours it is easier to see if there is something still poking out