Is it legal to change the pitch of a song, and then download it for free?
Since the song would not be in its original format, would it be legal if I just change it up a bit like the pitch, and then download it for free?
Since the song would not be in its original format, would it be legal if I just change it up a bit like the pitch, and then download it for free?
All of the above responses are right on the dime. But I STILL get the feeling that you intend to do this anyway, and then snicker about it - until you get caught. The fat FINE will be one thing - but as bad as the whole world knowing that you are a no-talent thief. If you steal from ANY of us who are career music professionals, then you steal from ME - so, what do YOU have at YOUR house, that is took you decades to learn to make by hand, and cost you many thousands of dollars in education and equipment, that *I* can come on over and steal from YOU???
No. You can't change the pitch BEFORE you download it.
If you acquire the file without paying for it, it doesn't matter what you do with it, before or after you downloaded it, you stole it.
No. It is still owned by the author. Still copyright protected!
no unless Copyright, look for that