Why can't I get things done?

I go to a college prep boarding school and I have severe mental illness. I cry most days about how I'm not a good student but desperately wish I could be. But I can't actually get things done. Essays are always turned in days late, homework never gets finished, all this despite working for hours. I don't understand how I can work until I fall asleep at my desk but still not get anything done.


hmm try to think positive. if you cant try meditating and relax yourself, implement keystone habits to feel positive. don't ever say I'll try to do that instead say i will do that because try is associated with failure and do is only associated with success.
or else try do get into a self hypnotic stage and give suggestions to your subconscious to improve in you work, studies. it is really effective as your subconscious defines who you are and you can reprogram it.