Why the hurry to oust Trump?

I'm reading through some of these paranoid posts, and wonder if I'm the only one who sees this ridiculous man as something of a miracle...we haven't seen this much interest or discourse, true concern over who we hire to lead us in many years. Whether he manages to stay in or not, I'm frankly glad of the wrench in the dangerous 2 party and don't you dare step outside your side engine...needs MORE shaking up IMHO.


Okay, I truly am asking the question, not to stir things up, but out of curiosity. 3 answers thus far, and none have answered. Apparently, in answer to my own question, I am the only one who thinks that the getting people off their asses and joining in the process is a good thing, regardless of what their different opinions are.


Weasel McWeasel2015-12-09T11:29:10Z

Favorite Answer

do you understand that media outlets and talking head shows need to fill up TWO YEARS of airtime and newspaper space while this farce plays out?

Of course they like Trump..........he makes it easy to fill all that airtime and empty space.

Lord knows all the Others are about as boring as wet toast.

So they are leaving Trump alone for now, because he's the goose that fills all that airtime, with Golden eggs.

and when the primaries actually start.........it will sooooooooooooooooooo much FUN tearing that windbag apart.

the higher you climb........the further you have to fall.......and Trumps CRASH, will be SPECTACULAR-

and that TOO, will fill endless talking head shows for months to come.


The right is in a hurry to oust him as he can't win a general election and if he is the candidate it grantees a democratic victory. The left is in no hurry to oust him as he is god's gift to the party, but they still must speak out about his idiocies.


Oust Trump from WHAT? He holds no public office and likely never will.


That was quite a bipolar question description.


"What's the worst diction you've ever saw? Man..."


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