Are government data-keepers tampering with scientific data to conjure up Global Warming trends where none exist?

German scientist: Researchers fiddling with temperature data


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Absolutely Yes! Countries have been caught falsifiying data......Red-Handed. The U.S. is the top violator.

Breath on the Wind2015-12-14T11:09:57Z

It is unlikely that "data-keepers" are tampering with the data as it is being recorded. It is simply now within the perview of a data recorder to alter the observations. It makes little sense.

It may be that models are applied that "corrects" data and some see this as tampering. But this is a different function that that of a "data-recorder."

It may be that someone could go back and change the data that was recorded but that is a different function than that of a data-recorder.

Do people tamper with their observations? Yes all the time. They may even tend to skew their observations to align with their personal beliefs. But then they are not at that time preparing "scientific data" but some variation. If you don't believe in Science then there are many professions that are suspect. We could start with medicine and engineering. How afraid are you of a medical treatment or that the building you are in is about to fall down? Perhaps we might then postulate that for the most part we "get it right" and we probably do with global warming data as well.



The chart is an example from NOAA. If the raw data were completely flat then those corrections alone would make the temperature history look like the chart below - which show an increase of over 0.5 deg C since 1900.

That explains most of the temperature increase that is claimed.


I believe so,..yes,...and many will simply be frightened into supporting the scam, for fear of losing their jobs, or perhaps even their life.

Just take a look at some of these answers, it's very encouraging to see people making their own minds up about this scam.....


I think they are there are numerous cases that archive data that was shown previously has later been different and always to show warming, never ever has adjusted data shown cooling.
I now only trust RSS and UAH.

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