I just read where Bowe Bergdahl is to face general court martial?




What do you think of that?


How soon do you think it will be before the President decides to pardon him?


Or do you think he will

Weasel McWeasel2015-12-15T22:44:15Z

Favorite Answer

It's within the realm of possibilities that if convicted..........the president can simply end the matter by pardoning him.

Personally........I think the Court martial is the right move......I would expect a conviction.........and then punishment.............I'll leave that to those who decide such things.

He could have faced the DEATH penalty for desertion.......but since that hasn't been used since WW2.......
they are only saying LIFE is the maximum-------but I sincerely doubt they will give him life.

What I'd like to see.......is court martialed...........dishonorable discharge.......loss of all back pay and benefits. ......(he was promoted in absentia, which is BS as well-----so busted BACK down to the PRIVATE he was, when he went AWOL and DESERTED) and then.........simply booted out. To live the rest of his life as the coward and traitor he is.

I suspect he'll be found guilty of being AWOL.....not desertion.....since there's a legal burden to the charge of "desertion" which may not be met on a technicality here..............his captivity counted as time served.....and let go. He may even get away with an honorable or OTH discharge.......instead of a dishonorable discharge.
Perhaps an OTH for medical or psychiatric reasons.

Lord Of The Flies Pt.32015-12-15T08:58:45Z

In the old west, u.s. Marshalls risked life and limb to arrest and transport criminals through hostile territory. They fought off apaches and thugs to bring their man to trial.

This is what civilized people do. Justice is delivered in a court of law. Not saying it's perfect, but it's the best we have.


Yes. While justice can now prevail for the 5 Americans who were killed looking for him, Obama must be upset.

Now, we can hope that Trump wins, and that he will put Hillary Rodham Clinton on trial for her numerous alleged felonies against the American people and for her crimes against humanity.


Was suppose to have already happened. Three investigations, one of which Obama interfered with, all found him guilty of desertion. Men were killed in his name. He should have already been shot but for some strange reason, the left wants to protect him.


That's what usually happens to deserters.

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