How did Obama call up his phoney tears? Onions?

R T2016-01-06T08:09:41Z

Favorite Answer

Practice. That's the root of all acting.


Maybe he actually cares about 2 dozen 1st graders getting machine gunned in their own classroom. Imagine that! A president who actually cares about citizens!!!
You conservatards never cease to amaze me with your blind hatred and stupidity. There is a special place in hottest Hell for you people.

Demsey Dumpster2016-01-06T10:55:49Z

He thinks real hard about how all his Executive orders will be thrown out once the Republican nominee wins the Presidency and starts to cry because of his tattered Legacy.


His radical muslim training. In Kenya. After his class on communism, but before his class on Hitler's great achievements. Ending with his class on "illegally immigrating to the USA from Kenya."


Pluck a nose hair

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