the gulf war who were involved? what were some of the results?


the British are holding an inquiry to the legality of it called the Chilcot report it has taken six years so far there are delays in getting information from America it is legal so anything we say can be challenged it is alleged it was illegal many people died illegally because of false information mainly Britain and America are under suspicion of war crimes so you make your own mind up I have from the resulting situation

Ed Harley2016-01-07T09:28:37Z

The US and allies spent a huge pile of money to save a collection of corrupt royals and religious nuts, from the army of an Iraqi dictator.


It took place between Andrew Palmer and Tiger Woods in Scotland. Tiger hit two holes-in-one but flubbed several putts, so Palmer won with his more consistent birdies and Eagles.

Elaine M2016-01-07T09:47:37Z

This happened in recent memory, the ability to find information online is well within anyone's reach when they're on the internet, as you are.