Favorite Answer
I beleive they also had to use the goose step and make a Nazi salute while clicking their heels in their knee length boots.
Don't Fear The Reaper
There are still elementary schools that teach young children to sing Obama praise songs. Rather like the child prays to Hitler, before he eats his meal with his father, in the movie Fatherland. Depicting life in Nazi Europe of 1964. Now, I can waste my type skills providing links to what I say. Which you can not.
I can also provide you proof liberals desire a nationalized police force. No more local police nor sheriffs nor state police. All swear loyalty to serve The State. Not the People and not the Constitution. Just as heavily armed as the now kept overseas and tied down military. You know what nationalized police mean? Or do I have to spell out fully the names of the Nazi, USSR, Mexican, Red Chinese and Cuban national police? But, why bother you with proof? You make up lies and call them facts. I can't help nor save your soul.
All Hail Obongo The Magnificent! Bow Down!
Poor liberals that Trump actually had the guts to screen out those who came to the Trump rally simply to disrupt the event vs. the thousands who came to actually listen to what he had to say
The Nazi's wouldn't take him. He's too batshit crazy even for them.