For financial success, should I move to my Jupiter/MC line or my Venus line?
Hello everyone,
I have been trying to decide where to move as I have been stuck in a lousy area for many years and have had a lousy life (I'm currently 44, single and underemployed). I am tired of being poor but I am also tired of being treated like crap. I live in the NYC/NJ area between Pluto/Sun lines to my west and Chiron/Mercury lines to my east. An astrologer told me to move to Western Texas and said Austin Texas was all right for me to live. My Jupiter/MC line runs through it. Now someone else is telling me not to move there because Saturn moves into my 6th house of work and health there and Jupiter will only exacerbate things, but to Helena, MT or Idaho Falls, ID instead because that's where my Venus line runs. My heart is already in Austin and for so many reasons, but if it's not right what should I do? Follow my luck or my heart?
My birthdate: 3/29/1971 12:17am New York City 74w00, 40n43
Sun: Aries 3rd
Asc: Sag
Moon: Taurus 5th
Mercury: Aries 4th
Venus: Aquarius 2nd
Mars: Capricorn 1st
Jupiter: Sagittarius 12th rx
Saturn: Taurus 5th
Uranus: Libra 9th rx
Neptune: Sagittarius 12th rx
Pluto: Virgo 9th rx (also lilith)
True Node: Aquarius 2nd/South node: Leo 8th
Chiron: Aries 3rd
Midheaven: Libra (looks like cusp of 9/10 house, can't tell)
Part of Fortune: Scorpio 11th
My world map is attached below. It's not very good quality. I hope you can see it.
Thank you for your help.
MC (midheaven) is in Libra in 10th, sorry.