Fun math problem if you are bored.?

I am not trying to get my homework done. This quiz is provided as it is, and I do have the answer. So it is a challenge for anyone. Best answer will be awarded in approximatively one day. Have fun gals and guys!

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John and Bob are chatting on the first days of 2016:

John: What about your daughter Mary's birthday this year? What about a nice doll?
Bob: That would not be appropriate. Must I remind you that her age this year will be the sum of the digits of her year of birth?
John: Sorry, I'll think of something else.

When was Mary born?

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Dragon.Jade :-)


Favorite Answer




► Mary, being an human being, has a life expectancy of approximatively 100 years. So she is either born in this century (20AB) or the previous one (19AB).

► Considering this century:
   2 + 0 + A + B = 2016 – (2000 + 10A + B)
   2 + A + B = 16 – 10A – B
   11A + 2B = 14

Now 14 is even, and obviously 2B too. So 11A must also be even, implying the digit A must be even:
   A in { 0; 2; 4; 6; 8 }
Since any A greater than 1 would make B negative, the only possibility is
   A = 0
Leading to
   B = 7
With a birth year of 2007 and age of 9 in 2016.

► Considering the previous century:
   1 + 9 + A + B = 2016 – (1900 + 10A + B)
   10 + A + B = 116 – 10A – B
   11A + 2B = 106

Now 106 is even, and obviously 2B too. So 11A must also be even, implying the digit A must be even:
   A in { 0; 2; 4; 6; 8 }
If A=8 → 11A=88 and 106–88=18 → B=9
If A=6 → 11A=66 and 106–66=40 → B=20 ◄Impossible B is a digit
If A=4 → 11A=44 and 106–44=62 → B=31 ◄Impossible B is a digit
...and decreasing A will only increase B, leading to non-digit values of B.

So the only possibility is
   A = 8 and B=9
With a birth year of 1989 and age of 27 in 2016.

► Lastly you are told it is inappropriate to gift Mary a doll. Now you have to ask yourself: "Is 9 years of age too old for a doll?" Well, I don't know, but 27 certainly is, unless Mary is into collectable dolls, which we can assume to the contrary.

Thus the expected answer was 1989, reachable with basic maths and common sense.
