Out of the Tudors (Henry VIII, Edward, Mary and Elisabeth) who s religious change was most important?


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Henry, then Elizabeth. Henry VIII began the Church of England. Elizabeth established a secure Church of England; the doctrines laid down in the 39 Articles of 1563 were a compromise between Roman Catholicism and Protestantism.


The Tudors was -
Henry VII
Henry VIII
The most important was the creation of the Church of England.


Henry VIII's, and then Elizabeth I, whose Act of Supremacy of 1559 is still law, under which the Church of England is not Protestant, but reformed catholic.


While things began in Henry's time, it was under Elizabeth that things settled to be the way they still are. The "via media," or "middle way" was brought in under her, where the Church of England would be between the Catholics, and Protestants. It was made to be both Catholic, and Reformed, and, it still is.


Henry's,he changed England forever,and took us out of rome's control.

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