Does anyone believe that the pope is afraid of Isis, whom have vowed to take over the Vatican?


since he is now cozying up with the Iranian government?


Why does he not defend his flock which Isis is killing off, instead of talking about climate change. what kind of shepherd would ignore his flock's suffering?


unless he is working with them to make Crislam the new world religion.


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The Catholic Church needs a lot of money to keep up it's extravagant life style. Just the clothes for the men run into millions of dollars. The churches are not cheap to run either and the church is loosing the billions of dollars it needed to keep going. Some priests live in private homes with cars and expensive things. They need millions to keep going in this fancy life style. So they are appealing to other religions for support and help. If they think that ISIS is taking over they want to survive and keep up the life style they are accustomed to. They are not as concerned about where the money comes from as that the money keep coming into their religion for them.


Never going to happen. If ISIS tried to harm the Pope, the Christians from around the world would truly mess them up.

ISIS look scary now, but they wouldn't stand a chance if they picked a fight with the most hardcore people from Brazil, Mexico, Russia, eastern Europe and central America.

Brigalow Bloke2016-02-01T02:54:34Z

You might not have noticed but the Iranians are Shiites, as opposed to the Wahhabi Sunnis of IS and Shiites are a major enemy of IS in the region. Iraq has a mixed Shiite and Sunni population and many of the victims of IS in Iraq have been Shiites.

I can imagine IS attacking the Vatican, but they will be killed by the Uzi machine pistol wielding Swiss mercenaries and the Italian army.


I don't believe ISIS scares the Vatican.


It wont happen.

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