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Pope election in the Vatican: What do you expect of the next pope?

White smoke appeared from the chimney above the Sistine Chapel, and bells from St. Peter's Basilica have pealed, meaning the 115 Roman Catholic cardinals gathered at the Vatican from all over the world have chosen a new pope.


199 Answers

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    I hope and pray for the future of the Church. This election is unusual, the choice of a Jesuit, someone from South America, and the taking of the name Francis (one of the most revered saints in the Church). Everything points initially to a fresh start, something different. The Church is ready to move forward I think that is the message being sent with this election.

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    My personal answer: (As a former deep Catholic but now a "Born Again Christian, I have nothing against the pope) First of all, I expect the pope to fiathful in deeds not only in words as the bible says "Action Speaks Louder Than Words"..Look, White smoke is billowing from the chimney of the Sistine Chapel, meaning 115 cardinals in a papal conclave have elected a new leader for the world’s 1.2 billion Catholics.

    The new pope is expected to appear on the balcony of St. Peter’s Basilica within an hour, after a church official announces “Habemus Papum” — “We have a pope” — and gives the name of the new pontiff in Latin.

    The conclave was called after Pope Benedict XVI resigned last month, throwing the church into turmoil and exposing deep divisions among cardinals tasked with finding a manager to clean up a corrupt Vatican bureaucracy as well as a pastor who can revive Catholicism in a time of growing secularism.

  • 8 years ago

    Probably not right away, but at some point Francis the 1st

    Is more than likely going to get back into the motions that other recent Popes have had

    and promote the consolidation of all religions into a United "One World Religion".

    This has been a major agenda by many powerful groups including former Pope Benedict.

    Source(s): "United Religions Initiative" "Earth Charter Commission"
  • 8 years ago

    What to expect...?


    Or seeing as prevention is better than the cure - conceding to the established scientific facts and pursuing religion and spirituality as life affirming matters with a distinct understanding of Hell & Heaven as transitions for matter that people should care about - that an afterlife is a result of a life whether 'this' life is aware of it or not, where only a complete outcast with a genocidal grudge could lack the conscience to try improve something with their life...

    ...A self-contained community with a positive direction that doesn't have a thorn in it's side, but still recognises the onset of evil-doing & the antichrist taking hold - in so many hundreds of years it should nowadays be easy to dispatch of any such nuisance and constantly reveal the glory of a divine Creator in ever changing perspectives that ceaselessly enthral - all religions really must have some kind of insight that they lend to this effect, a touchstone.

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  • endpov
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    Many things: The 2000 year (approx.) history of the Catholic Church is very rich with traditions and stories of the miraculous, so, with that as guidance, the new Pope should continue the tradition that Jesus said to Saint Peter, that Peter was the Rock upon which He would establish His Church. After the Ascension of Jesus, Saint Peter traveled to Rome to fulfill all that Jesus had said to him and to begin his ministry. Since then every subsequent Pope has the responsibility of carrying on the tradition of Saint Peter... This is just one thing.

    The Pope must also be the Vicar of Christ.

    The Pope must also care very deeply for the Church and help to guide Her in this world.

    The Pope must also help to spread the Good News of the Word of Jesus Christ to the ends of the world.

    The Pope must also be mindful of the rich history of Saints from the past and the canonization of new Saints as time passes.

    These are just a few things I can think of immediately, however, I know there are more...

  • 8 years ago

    I am happy that a Pope was chosen from South America considering that there is a strong Catholic base in South America and not just in Europe where Popes have historically come from. I expect the Pope and Catholic Church to maintain their strong stand on love and compassion to the poor and those suffering in this world.

  • 8 years ago

    I expect a more tolerant Catholic church to come out of this pope's Vatican.........Yeah right!

    Nothing is going to change. I'll probably go to church once in a while again but it will all be the same prayers, the same homily and the same readings from the Bible. (Not that that's a bad thing. Tradition is pretty good.)

    The bad stuff is that they will still have the same problems they've had for years.

  • 8 years ago

    Well let me say I don't feel that any man should set in the seat and act as he is God

    People kiss his ring ,bow to him etc.Not to offend anyone to be sure.Just my thoughts,

    and feelings of the matter. He seems to have a different belief system than some have.

    What I would want him to use his power for ,,,and he has allot of it,is to clean the house.

    The Vatican Church has been plagued with sexual problems etc. for way to long.But when

    young men,and some woman close themselves off from the world in their youth,I feel it's wrong

    First, let them marry.They can still serve God.I feel much better.Live in private if they wish.

    I am not a Catholic.But I believe in God,The Father,The Son,and The Holy Spirit.Amen

    Source(s): just my feelings
  • 8 years ago

    I'm actually not involved much in this Pope election subject, but I am a believer of God so feel I must not disrespect the new Pope.

    Honestly, when it's somebody like this, I feel it's a bad thing to suddenly retire. This isn't a job, it's a dedication. Not a job at all. I miss the old Pope, so I have high expectations for the new one....if he can live up to them-which is basically being a TRUE Pope-I'll like him If not, I'll start taking a lesser interest.

  • 8 years ago

    The Pope needs to address the sex scandals in the church. There needs to be a strong condemnation not only of priests who molest children, but of clergy who assist in covering up these crimes. The policy of moving accused priests to new parishes rather than actually addressing the issue needs to be brought to an end. The Pope should make it clear that these actions are against everything the church stands for and will not be tolerated. There needs to be apology and restitution to victims and clear procedures to prevent this from happening in the future.

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    I am not a Catholic but a nonconformist. I just hope that the Pope will actually speak the truth as in the inspired word of God in the Bible. Sadly this has not often been the case with extra doctrines added that were never in God's word.

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