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Favorite Answers24%

\\// ╦ ║▲₪║ ╗ ҉҉҉҉ ║ ╗╚| //\\ ══════════════ U=M/V GRAVITY is the ULTIMATE LAW S.P.L.A.T.T.E.R.

  • how do you embed a player in an iframe so that a parent frame containing multiple links will use that one player?

    i.e. webpage > iframe of links > player in iframe

    So far I can create all this, but the files called are opening a standalone media player instead, I've tried with id= name= target= and have reasoned that it is because there's a file extension, that just a path & file name should be provided....

    ...any pointers?

    2 AnswersSoftware6 years ago
  • Why isn't top result for, disable Ctrl+R during webform edit entitled, disable Ctrl+R during webform edit?

    In the answer field you may now be using, tapping Ctrl+R - which may occur because you intended to type Shift+R [to get an 'R' instead of an 'r', will instead result in refreshing the webpage - it will almost certainly lose everything you typed in all editing fields.

    [Try - before you type your answer - copying this question, pasting it - spending a moment proof reading like you had in fact thought about & typed it, then position the cursor for continuing the next paragraph with "Really, the best solution is to...", and use Ctrl+R accidentally on purpose instead - to see what I mean]...

    Some may have experienced it and still not know what happened..., the chance they will ever find this page telling them about it* is slim to nil.

    "Disable Ctrl+R during webform editing.html" should be a page on the internet with an associated resource and always top results for the search with something server-side that is comprehensively & intuitively finding people looking for it [as aforementioned - they may not even know what happened] - the amount of data people stand to lose overall, and time & energy with it, while possibly becoming bewildered or incensed, is unfathomable - currently people will only learn by losing data until it can no longer happen & all I can recommend is *putting e.g. Notepad in your Start Menu/on the Taskbar for quick access and using it to type in, then copy & paste from it, Ctrl+R has no effect in there, might make a ping/selected theme sound, but no typing is lost.

    Notepad is usually in Start Menu>Programs>Accessories - you can right click it and pin it to either of the more convenient locations for instant access.

    - I'm long over it - but only thanks to my habit of using Notepad did I just now avoid it again in another accursed instance - when a Captcha entry was incorrect [you try get 10/10 of them ], it reset the entire webform..., most unexpected for many people - the world could be a much easier place to get along in.

    1 AnswerProgramming & Design7 years ago
  • web page coding, drag and drop images into grid, +....?

    + checkbox that appears for each image [called as part of drop event]

    + automatic snap to grid; below existing items to go on end, in between to jostle into position [push later items down list]

    + priority for first, then second, third, etc. in list

    + location for items/paths to save

    I'm assuming it's entirely possible to create such a page, but using what source? Looking into HTML5 I'm almost convinced, but I often find a reference to javascript too and wonder what will be best of all - just that there will be other features to make use of the images and browse/append other saves...

    1 AnswerProgramming & Design7 years ago
  • Why the compromise...?

    I know I've pretty much answered the question here, but I'm actually looking specifically for the development and best route to more expedient computing solutions, so this detail's provided all the same to put you in the picture...

    An internet search calls on a vast amount of data yet returns results in a fraction of a second.

    A local system search in a much smaller data volume can take ages, especially if you've selected 'file contents' [which internet searches are as a matter of course].

    Programs/files on your computer open instantly, they are local, so they should.

    Programs/files on the web need to be downloaded to be run/opened by your computer, this can take a long time, often inconvenient when there's held to be sufficient RAM, processor, storage, etc. for handling these operations.

    It is basically just the bandwidth, right?

    I know the improvements we're seeing at present seem to solve most issues - but everything you do on a computer has required the basic multimedia system requirements, nowadays, see entry level as 'dual core' processor around 2Ghz [my first pc was a 386Mhz], 4Gb RAM [mine had 4Mb], and around 320Gb HDD [mine was 200Mb].

    And of course it's because e.g. sound and video need to be 44khz stereo and at least 720-1080 pixels displaying 6 million colours for a faithful reproduction.

    ...So we've only just attained something like what computers are going to be like when there's no further need for upgrade; it isn't everywhere yet and the first Ultra HD are said to fail coping with newer media that they were essentially designed for - Therefore even if you have super-fast fibre optic, 4G, quad core, 16Gb RAM, 3Tb SATA HDD - you will still be able and probably have to upgrade it at some stage - the crux of the matter is...

    ...Not as a compromise in specification, but in the rate of higher spec availability arriving to meet requirements - why are people accepting it goes at this pace.

    The manufacturing process is the same per se - so who is fastest building the systems that will outperform present day technology by a multiple of 10, 100 or a million times more in ratio to this dawdling wreck we keep needing to make another purchase for, and how can we speed it up.

    Just because your phone or computer seems to run ok for five or more years, it seems like you're on top of the game. I personally feel like hundreds of pounds are flushed away needlessly because I never buy a system that solves every technology issue I could ever have.

    1 AnswerOther - Hardware8 years ago
  • Rate a poem - how it reads 'out loud'.?

    As the last of the vampires

    Walked into the sea

    The first to have entered, emerged.

    An intercontinental crossing

    Whetting appetites anew

    The abstinence adding flavour to the urge.

    In new lands unsuspecting

    The horde slakes an untold thirst

    Wading in unbridled to the cull

    Drinking until victims remaining

    Are so few & far between

    Or until - if they may ever be - Full

    It seems an age to any falling prey

    So many lives

    Cannot surely be so swiftly lost

    For shouldn't new life balance

    In those lands just bled near dry

    Do these foul spirits never count the cost?

    It seems not and that they'll endure

    When there are droughts

    There are even meaner vampires

    What grows back gets cut back

    But only in good times

    When populations swell like seashore samphire

    2 AnswersPoetry8 years ago
  • Is there a tv/pc monitor wall mount that will stow a screen away?

    ...under a shelf, completely out of the way when not in use?


    2 AnswersMonitors8 years ago
  • Is there a tv/pc monitor wall mount that will stow a screen away?

    ...under a shelf, completely out of the way when not in use?


    [should be animated, illustrating display & stowed positions]

    1 AnswerTVs8 years ago
  • Playstation 2 [SCPH-77003] & USB memory sticks, any pointers...?

    I would like a comprehensive understanding of what the console is capable of doing with the USB..., ...& what else is required for additional capabilities?

    The sites I have visited detail making boot disks, but require a means of bypassing the system halting on unrecognised disks.

    I see an explanation of running games from hdd via USB [backup copies] yet so far haven't ascertained if the USB will take a memory stick or other storage device and enable transfer to/from the memory cards, like maybe Codebreaker does this...[?]

    So far I'm looking into,


    FreeMCBoot [&Tools],

    HD Project v1.07 to make MC on usb stick

    Open PS2 Loader

    Swap Magic

    USB Extreme, PS2 games from HDD+USB

    - but it's a like a jigsaw of something blurred with bits missing, pieces from another puzzle and no lid with the picture on....

    If the question is simply:

    - With a USB memory stick/external HDD in a PS2 console, is there a way to transfer to & from the slot 1 & 2 'Magic Gate' memory cards?

    ...namely, a step by step description of a way to ~ ?


    If the console is connected via it's ethernet connection to a router - does it have a device webpage and read/write access to MC data - again with any required steps...?

    2 AnswersVideo & Online Games8 years ago
  • Intro to a story/movie - 'FATE' - Y!Feedback please?

    Presented on - two minutes, or the pace you think you should read it at for best absorption...









    In the year 3330, a military museum called 'The Pentagon' will vanish.

    Depending on humanity's fate, it will either take all nefarious elements with it, or serve as a portal ushering in evil from the universal constant...

    While these are Boolean formula, it still remains that if each aforementioned statement is taken and calculated to a degree of mathematical accuracy; proven with the appliance of science and shown working by example using hypothetical formula and actual events -

    - the outcome is true.

    Does it grab you?

    Will this pivotal moment make an interesting plot in light of all the movies there are already?

    Should it be utopian/dystopian/sci-fi/horror/fantasy/comedy/drama/etc...?

    1 AnswerMovies8 years ago
  • On a Royal visit to a town's shopping centre...?

    ....Her Royal Highness did not fully comprehend the code of conduct in Shoe Zone was the same as any other high street shoe shop. In a comment to the press, the PR later remarked, "She understood it to mean that if she just stands there in front of the wares on display examining any particular pair, that the product 'shows one*' what they are like on ones feet ["*Shoez one"]...

    3 AnswersJokes & Riddles8 years ago
  • Name of a movie, possibly WWII, [theory of] assassination attempt?

    I’m trying to find a movie title from the details I recollect of some scenes.

    An assassin has had a custom gun & about six bullets made, he tests these in a range on site and when satisfied with it’s performance then shoots the gunsmith to cover his tracks.

    The target is in the military - possibly a General, I recollect this is from WWII and the opportunity to take the shot is from the cover of some ruins on a roadside as the General’s vehicle passes where the route snakes around in what could be a pronounced S bend – the bullets for the attempt are designed for a glancing blow and the target car will be accelerating out of a corner but need to stop because of a blockage on the road – the shot to be taken is as the General involuntarily leans forward as the car brakes exposing the back of his neck, a successful hit will break his neck and the bullet should pass through the vehicle and go undetected. It is hoped the General’s death will not be deemed an assassination, just a freak accident if he is indeed discovered to have died at that time – possibly because it will spark further conflict in the war

    I think the ammunition is low-velocity, and short range – it is an expert shot and requires the firing of the gun is not heard, or it should be passed off as engine noise echoing off the ruins.

    I’m sure this movie is pre-2000, yet maybe even pre-1990.

    ...and that’s all I have – any pointers?

    3 AnswersMovies8 years ago
  • Belfast, City Hall - is this ok?

    From the outside looking in, the reactions to a flag, seeing conflict, violence and injury is far beyond what many believe it should ever come to.

    What would the response to this flag flying over City Hall be?


    7 AnswersGovernment8 years ago
  • How long is a piece of string?

    If you always held a writing implement, any means of scribing - throughout your entire lifespan, or such an implement was always writing throughout - just a line though, only drawn faster or slower based on mental & physical activity.

    What rate should it draw at if this line is ever to be readable - i.e. if technology is developed to take this feed and extrapolate from it the course of events [e.g. compare fps].

    i.e. If it's only getting heart rate, then it would be "lo-fi", while for a detailed analysis of all the body is experiencing at any given moment, as well as what the brain contemplates given it's reach into past & future from the current perspective; So, beyond the required commands & data to plot/print - more of the UltraHD streaming media bandwidth requirement...

    So a very broad stroke made very quickly? & Multicoloured?...

    ...Just that undesirable elements would be writing their own resignation letter, or details of their 'secret base and world domination plans' to give any disease/disorder a metaphorical slant - it seems like the best way get to the root of any problem with human physiology & mentality - an actual 'printout' from the source..., providing it can be read of course.

    2 AnswersOther - Science8 years ago
  • If there are any, please name combinations of lubricating oils/greases that can combine to make a sticky solid?

    ...and this solid would have the consistency of silicone sealant [when set - rubber/elastic-like], also appears the same under a microscope, e.g.

    1 AnswerChemistry9 years ago
  • Link to video for 'psychedelic' [cgi] car commercial set to Jimi Hendrix song?

    Can anyone remember this [- the song may have been Waterfall [May This Be Love] - as long as ten years ago [or more] - I cannot recollect the car manufacturer, just that the vehicle drives past in the shot and leaves psychedelic bursts of special effects, a bit like some more recent fabric softener adverts...

    1 AnswerRock and Pop9 years ago
  • Extrapolating results - what kind of questions should you begin asking with this information?

    Things like -

    What is the significance of the commonly repeated values, like 13,200,000?

    Why does the search without a % value only return 13,000,000 results - shouldn't it be the sum of the other hundred or so searches?

    & Obviously the single figures are getting repeated results e.g. 7, 17, 27, 37, ~,~, 97%

    How can this searching be refined?

    Users thoughts...., tx

    Google search terms:

    yahoo activity level "Member since" "best answer" n%

    where n=


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    About 51,700 results


    About 9,890 results


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    About 13,000 results


    About 21,600 results


    About 19,000 results


    About 116,000 results


    About 9,850 results


    About 15,600 results


    About 9,190 results


    About 11,100 results


    About 58,000 results


    About 10,200 results


    About 12,500 results


    About 26,100 results


    About 13,200,000 results


    About 1,660,000 results


    About 1,150 results


    About 346 results


    About 94 results


    About 196 results


    About 593 results


    About 97 results


    About 94 results


    About 301 results


    About 66 results


    About 7,900 results


    About 56 results


    About 4,170 results

    search without %

    About 13,000,000 results

    1 AnswerGoogle9 years ago
  • Why does the i-phone advert have to say "Sequences shortened", but the Mac Book advert doesn't?

    It's definitely sped up...., what is the 'legal' situation here?

  • In Phoenix Night's, what is the name of the character, or the episode with him in it, who plays bass...?

    It is played by Peter Kay wearing a shoulder length curly perm & probably spandex clothes, in a double act alongside a female singer, if memory serves...

    Either series & episode or character name, or both, thanks :)

    1 AnswerComedy9 years ago
  • I'm looking for a [european] website devoted to enthusiasts of geckos photographed or videoed on pears?

    The one with the catchy music,

    "Gecko on pear - gecko on pear,

    Be sure have your camera if there's gecko on pear...

    To photo gecko - is worth a seckel

    you can snap and load your pics to gecko on pear[.com]


    Except it's not called 'gecko on pear'...

    1 AnswerInsurance9 years ago