Is there any chance to me to interact with people; I have become pitiable as my wife died at 63 recently.? I am 67 alone.?

Atsa me Atsa you?2016-02-13T07:25:45Z

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I am in this age group, so many in our neighborhood going through this. We talk among each other, married or not, we work the single person into our lives, I would HOPE for you, your neighbors, friends would do the same for you. May sound odd and you do know there are a lot of people in your position, I would sign up for a class that interests you, or visit other single people, OR sign up for one of the dating things you see on t.v., they will choose others in your age group for you to meet, visit., it could not hurt to check into this. Not telling you to look for another wife, not that at all, just to have company around would be nice....some single groups have little groups that takes small trips, something they could all enjoy for the day. Don't get locked out of life....I am sorry for your loss, its baby steps!!!


There are so many lonely people out there. I had a lovely lady get on my bus and look so bad. Her sister had died and she was now all alone. I told her about seeing people go to this one restaurant and I assumed they met there every so often. She got back on my bus and said the people there were not very nice. I told her to go back and find some different people. She got on again and looked smashing. She had apparently met a nice man and she was gushing. So that worked out for her. There are lots of places that elderly people meet...They walk at the mall, McD's for coffee in the am or donuts shops, volunteer with different places...look in the newspaper or if you like pets, try a local PetSmart or Petco and see what groups are in there on the weekends, and check your newspaper to see who needs your help. I should take my own advice although I have done a great deal of volunteering.


It is normal for a bereaved person to feel disoriented and lost, but adhering to your customary schedule will help. Get proper rest, nutrition, get involved in chores to keep up a routine.
Get involved in your community: by looking for a cooking class to take, a hobby to get involved in or special days and trips. Think about joining a travel club, play bingo with a group, learn to play chess. Take up ballroom dancing or some other fun activity. There is still a lot of life to live for you. see Watchtower on


The next time one of Jehovah's Witnesses knock at your door let them in. Or go to and ask for a visit. You will gain many friends. If you notice they take good care of older ones. Never charge for anything.


I would do the senior center and my church has a wisdom generation meeting where they show off their hobbies and such, then a luncheon. Talk to ladies, they are many in the same boat.

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