so why is it wrong for a dog to be looked after cradle to grave?


westminster is on and the brouhaha begins. why is it wrong to breed for the best pups possible,to place pups carefully, stand in wait to "catch" an y who's home fail (even those not born in your home). Is it only correct to clean up the pieces after others fail.


this question is prompted
by the many spams i got reiterating the evils of dog shows. the ONLY RIGHT WAY is apparently to have a dog misplaced neglected or outright abused and them pulled from a euthanasia deadline
PS my first litter needs 2 points on one dog to qualify their mom for a breeding merit title (from that one litter)
2nd has many pups out compeating in multiple sports and some just helping raise kids


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Your Q and comments dont make any sense. Its not wrong to look after animals correctly. Its what people have done for thousands of years.

I'm an ex breeder. My best stud dog was an 8 times Champion, UK. That was over 32 wins at accredited shows over his 6 year career. He was an absolutely outstanding dog. We regularly competed at Group level at Crufts.

So what if other people think breeding is wrong. I like dogs, if no one was breeding them they'd go extinct.

Stop worrying so much about what the PETA nuts say. Just do it right and stand up for what you believe in.


Your question and your details are vastly different. The answer to your initial question is not a single thing. But the answer to your details is it is very wrong to breed when you don't have the foggiest idea what you're doing and if you haven't learned how to under the guidance of a breeding mentor so that you can improve the breed. I hope you have the answers you need although they are not probably what you were wanting.


It is not wrong, it is the only thing to do if you love the dog. Owners are responsible for the proper care of their pets. It is not wrong to breed for the best possible results of a breeding. That is what reputable breeders do through genetic testing & selective breeding, to get the best quality pups they can get.

Don't know what you mean when asking, " Is it only correct to clean up the pieces after others fail." What pieces are there to clean up?


it's not. Most breeders finish a Champion, get a litter or 2 and then re home them. I keep mine for life. From whelping box to a hole in the front yard. They are here to stay


It is wrong to do it any other way.

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