Good Video Game Idea?
I'm a game programmer and I'm pitching this idea... Reverse holocaust. Instead of the Nazis killing the Jews, the Jews kill the Nazis, they'll be a story and everything. Think this would sell?
I'm a game programmer and I'm pitching this idea... Reverse holocaust. Instead of the Nazis killing the Jews, the Jews kill the Nazis, they'll be a story and everything. Think this would sell?
Favorite Answer
If it is for smartphones or tablets. In my opinion make a game that is as simple as possible. Cause our minds are too stressed with all the graphic going on in our PC's or consoles so games on the phones should be simpler but should still keep a gamers mind going.
Not in Israel LOL
But I like the idea, and the public outrage caused by such a game might be a good way to promote it.
There's too much violence in the world. Why do games have to be about killing?
Kickstarter will tell lmao