What can I spray on my yard to prevent weeds ?

My yard was full of weeds and I started to shovel them out and now it's bare sand but what can I spray so they stop coming back. Perferably something affordable. It's about 24 yards X 12 yards .


I own rental property and I would spend all my time working on the lawns if I did it your way.

Spray now with Weed and Feed. In two weeks most of the weeds will die, but the grass will be green and healthy. After the weeds have turned brown, mow the lawn close to the ground. Scatter grass seed in the thin or bare spots, and keep the lawn damp until the grass seeds are two inches tall. Then mow.

In the fall, repeat the process. If you spray for weeds and over seed every spring and fall, you will have one of those lawns that look like a golf course green.


Spread some mulch...
Almost any poison available to the homeowner is going to result in a bumper crop of weeds...
While there are Preemergent herbicides that you can spray... even Preemergent herbicides don t keep them away that well... and there are plenty of plants that are resistant.
Bare sand is very undesirable.... even the beach wants to have something growing....

The railroad uses defoiiants that kill everything, and there are some soil sterilants on the market that will leave bare ground for as much as a decade....

It s probably a good idea to read up on Agent orange before contemplating the sterilant route. Very toxic.


get a good weed killer and spray when the weeds are about 2 inches high. plenty of fine weather is needed so the sun can help with the spray


Weeds are savages and they grow in any condition ,if there's too many ,then you need to replace the soil ,digging and killing will not eliminate the weeds .
The max root of the weed are not deeper than the 6 " and just top soil need to be replace by better soil.which mean you need to excavate about 6" inch top soil and dump it ,then replace new grass soil or flower soil .


Preen is a weed preventer and it does work, I have used it. It is a granule that you spread on the area. To me, it is a wee bit overpriced but an excellent product.

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