Am I the only parent that hates the repetitive jingle of the ice cream truck,as soon as the weather turns nice ?

No sooner than the cold,bitter days of winter ended, the beautiful ,sunny days of spring were upon us. Ahhh, the trees were beginning to bloom,the sun was shining,the skies were blue,white fluffy clouds were floating along, the air was warmer,and then the annoying ,repetitive jingle of the dam ice cream truck had to come along and ruin it all.
The worse part, is that they stop right in front of our door.
We do not have kids, and there are over 70 units in our complex,and more than one roadway for them to come to. This ruins the whole summer. :/


this right here ruined the mood reading your story kid.

then the annoying ,repetitive jingle of the dam ice cream truck had to come along and ruin it all.
The worse part, is that they stop right in front of our door.
We do not have kids, and there are over 70 units in our complex,and more than one roadway for them to come to. This ruins the whole summer...smdh


The other day an ice cream truck went around my block THREE times throughout the day. I almost lost it. I live in a large city, try another neighborhood.


I like when they play greensleeves because I just find it weird that ice cream trucks play greensleeves