Do hotels in India usually deny rooms to unmarried couples if they are foreigners visiting?

I have heard that many hotels there don't allow unmarried couples to stay, but is this their policy only for Indian guests or do they also deny if you are visiting from the US?


Adept at social media, ISIL is widely known for its videos of beheadings[50] of both soldiers and civilians, including journalists and aid workers, and its destruction of cultural heritage sites.[51] The United Nations holds ISIL responsible for human rights abuses and war crimes, and Amnesty International has charged the group with ethnic cleansing on a "historic scale" in northern Iraq.[52] Around the world, Islamic religious leaders have overwhelmingly condemned ISIL's ideology and actions, arguing that the group has strayed from the path of true Islam and that its actions do not reflect the religion's real teachings or virtues.[53] The group has been designated a terrorist organisation by the United Nations, the European Union and its member states, the United States, Russia, India, Indonesia, Israel, Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Syria, Iran and other countries. Over 60 countries are directly or indirectly waging war against ISIL.


Yes, hotels in India usually deny rooms to unmarried couples. However, they are not very strict, especially in the case of foreigners. You need to carry your IDs. They will take photocopies of your passport and the IDs and return the originals to you. In normal circumstances, no one will bother you; there are no nosy Parkers in star hotels.


They don't trouble you by asking whether you're a couple. You both have to just carry your ID cards. The staffs are very cooperative and never trouble you, no stalking, and no questions asked.

But do not choose a very cheap hotel which is for lower middle class or below .

Discovering India2016-05-29T16:37:06Z

Indian's do seem to face some problems if they look too young and stay at down market hotels but foreigners do not face such problems.


Just tell them you're married or Bhai Behan

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