How do I write a business plan?

I may be wrong, but I m pretty sure a business plan is for when you want to start your own business. But I work at Dairy Queen and my boss wants me to write one. I worked there in high school and after my first year of college I m working at DQ again over the summer. He wants me to write a business plan and he wants me to write about what I learned at my job when I was at college. Even though I didn t learn anything new there, it was not a hard job, it was about the same as DQ. I m not entirely sure what he s asking and I would ask him what he wants, but he d just call me an idiot and then just say what he said before.


@Jeff. That would be the logical explanation, but this is my boss we're talking about, he has 0 communication skills. He said nothing like that when we talked on the phone and I'm pretty sure he just wanted me to write about myself, I just don't know what he wants me to write about. Ugh, I shouldn't have to do homework during the summer, especially when I get paid hourly.


with what you have said and me not knowing anything about what he wants I would suggest that you:

go to the small business administration and check out there section on how to write a business plan then after you get the questionnaire ( you can print it out) I would approach him again and ask him if he wanted a business plan for this DQ if he says yes i would buy a notebook ( the 70 page collage rule one) and tell him you can develop a business plan but your going to need some information from him. then i would write a question at the top of a page then ask him what he would say the answer is and take notes. don't give him all the questions at once make it look like your takeing your time. after he has answered the questions clean them up type them up an a nice format then turn them in.

oh and make sure when your asking the questions your on the clock ( you shouldn't do it for free)

if he wants something else from you then he will tell you when you clarify does he want a business plan for the DQ.

and if he's going for the DQ plan you really don't need to tell him where your getting your questions let him think your very insightful.

anyway read the questions i think you will get a kick out of having him build his own plan and giving you the credit for it


You're right that people typically create a business plan in advance of starting a new business. But you could also write a plan if you're looking to expand an existing business or take it in a new direction. Your boss may be trying to improve his business or increase his profits, so he might be looking for an analysis of how to grow.

I've always felt like you need to set a goal, then create a plan on how to achieve it. If he hasn't given you more insight into what he s looking for, you'll be wasting your time. Does he want to get more customers? Cut costs? Open a new location?


He's asking for something else than a business plan. Write ssomething about your job at college.