How do I write a business plan?
I may be wrong, but I m pretty sure a business plan is for when you want to start your own business. But I work at Dairy Queen and my boss wants me to write one. I worked there in high school and after my first year of college I m working at DQ again over the summer. He wants me to write a business plan and he wants me to write about what I learned at my job when I was at college. Even though I didn t learn anything new there, it was not a hard job, it was about the same as DQ. I m not entirely sure what he s asking and I would ask him what he wants, but he d just call me an idiot and then just say what he said before.
@Jeff. That would be the logical explanation, but this is my boss we're talking about, he has 0 communication skills. He said nothing like that when we talked on the phone and I'm pretty sure he just wanted me to write about myself, I just don't know what he wants me to write about. Ugh, I shouldn't have to do homework during the summer, especially when I get paid hourly.