How does eviction from an owned trailer in a trailer park work?

Can the park owner force the owner to move the trailer or sell it?

This would be for letting a dog run off leash repeatedly (in violation of the land lease).

And no, it is not me. I would never take that chance with the dog's life as she is oblivious to danger (cars, etc).

I am trying to explain to my friend why she needs to leash the dog.


They will not take the dog away. They do not have that authority. However, if eviction proceedings are in place, she either moves the trailer/leaves the premises or she will be bodily removed and will lose the trailer. And, if she attempts to return to the property, she can be charged with trespassing.


Yep. That land the trailer is sitting on is not your friend's. So the landowner can tell the trailer owner to leave especially for repeated violation of CC&Rs.


Yes, the evicted resident must remove the trailer. If they don't, it would probably be regarded as abandoned property - much like leaving a motor vehicle on someone else's property.


Yes,she can. If it doesn't sell fast, she can force her to move it off the park lot.
Where would she park it next? It will be very expensive. The present park owner
will inform other park owners of the problems with the dog.


Yes, they will just tow the home, impound it, and charge a monthly storage fee that must be paid off before she can get her lovely home back....