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Do I have to pay for replacing glass door that I broke in my apartment?

Was moving a big speaker in my apartment. Tripped, fell and sent the speaker shattering through the french style patio glass door.

Leasing office says they will send out a vendor to take measurements and see how much it will cost? I'm in California. 

In general terms of apartment policies, does that mean I'll have to cover the full price for the door? If so, I'm sure it will be expensive since its only through their approved vendors. 

13 Answers

  • 4 hours ago

    Of course you have to pay for replacing the glass door - the door through THEIR vendor, just as the first one was through their vendor.  They will give you the bill and you had better pay it.  There's no getting around it.  Putting up a fuss will work against you when you need the reference.

  • 8 hours ago

    Yes, that is on you, as you broke it.  

  • 18 hours ago

    You broke it, you will have to pay to repair it.

  • 19 hours ago

    Ha ha ha...No sweet heart, someone else will always be there to pay for your mistakes... I knew you had to be in California to think "It wasn't my fault?"

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  • 1 day ago

    Yes, you're obviously responsible for the cost. 

  • R P
    Lv 7
    1 day ago

    Yes, you have to cover the full cost to replace the door.  YOU broke it, so why on earth would you think you don't have to pay the entire cost for the repair?

    Depreciation does not come into play in this situation, regardless what that other person said.

  • 1 day ago

    Yes. You broke it, so it's not fair wear and tear that caused the breakage.

    However, you should have insurance, which might cover the costs. And the landlord's insurance should cover part of the costs. Which makes the payment a matter of negotiation between you, the landlord and the insurance companies.

    But you are at least partly responsible for the costs.

  • n2mama
    Lv 7
    1 day ago

    Yes, you broke it, so you are responsible for the cost of the repair. It may be expensive, but if you have renters insurance they may cover it (minus your deductible). If you don’t have insurance, you’ll owe it out of your own pocket.

  • Anonymous
    1 day ago

    Yes you have to pay.

    What do you consider "expensive"?   Replacing a pane of glass is a lot less expensive than replacing the entire door or a window frame.

    ETA:   Another idiotic answer from SimplyThe(Un)Facts.   Window glass does not depreciate.   It's either intact and worth it's full value or it's broken and worth nothing.

    I'd love to see the shoe on her other foot when some kid throws a ball through her window.   She's going to whip out a depreciation schedule for glass and only expect them to pay for 37% of the new glass because it's been there for twelve years?   Gimme a break.

    Another great thing about Yahoo Answers shutting more of that loon. 

  • 1 day ago

    If you bought renter's insurance, it would cover that.

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