Do you ever have days when you want to just run home from work so you can be alone while you cry and just put a gun in your mouth?

Thats how i feel right now


Things are never that bad. Even when we think they are, there's always an option to escape.


It's great that you are reaching out for help! We are so sorry to hear that you have been feeling so much emotional pain that you have been contemplating suicide. Know that suicide is never the answer, no matter what problems you are struggling with. Never give up on yourself; your life has great value.

It's so important that you reach out for support from your family and friends. We would suggest getting evaluated by a medical doctor or mental health professional, and getting involved in counseling. Please contact 911 if you need immediate assistance. It may help you to talk to a counselor at a hotline. Know that there is help out there for you and you are not alone.

Counselor, MT


Yeah, I've had days like that, but once I get home I usually feel better when my pets are there totally oblivious of my sh***y day and all excited to see me. The feeling passes pretty quickly.


nope, i'm always far too concerned about what i might miss if i'm not here the next day and how painful the act might be because there's no guarantee of complete success. often a good cry puts everything into a much more sensible place.

Hare brained schemes Inc.2016-06-14T03:58:17Z

I do have days like that, but without the gun part.
Sorry that it's so bad for you :(

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