Jews: How can you not recognize Yeshua (Jesus) is the Messiah (Lamb of God) who was send to be slain for our sins?
Jesus is Yeshua. He was a Jew.
All of his disciples and followers were Jews.
He fulfilled all of the prophesies from the Jewish prophets.
He came as a Lamb to be slain for your sins, so you can be redeemed.
He never sinned, so he was a Lamb without blemish or defect.
He became a curse for us when he took our sins, so that we might be freed from the curse of the law of sin and death.
He is the new covenant that Jeremiah talked about.
His hands adn feet were pierced, which was prophesied by Kind David in his Psalms.
He is your Messiah, and he loves all the Jews with an everlasting love.
Why won't you let him cleanse you from your sins? The only way to be atoned for the sins you committed is through the blood of the Lamb. Jesus is the sacrificial Lamb.
Yeshua is calling you right now.
The Messiah is calling you today.
Are you going to receive your redemption at this hour?
Don't you see that something is going to happen and time is running out?