Do you have to continue to take math classes all 4 years of college if you already met the GED requirements for your school/major?

Truth be told, that I miss you2016-06-30T15:02:11Z

No. If you've met all your requirements there's really no need to continue with math unless you want to.


There are several circumstances in which this could happen.
1) If you keep failing them. If this is the case then you might not graduate on time because that will hold you back eventually in terms of the future classes you could take.
2) If you are a math major. Even if you are an engineering major you would take three years of math tops.

If you take a major in the humanities you would only need like a year of math tops. If most circumstances the answer is no, you don't need to take all four years of math at University, but you will be required to take some math in order to graduate. Two classes or so.