My brother is playing my xbox.?

I got my xbox 360 a few years back all with my own money I saved. For $230. I still play my xbox but recently he started getting games on my xbox even tho he didn't even throw in a single penny for the xbox. Thats not the worst part...MY Parents get him games for MY xbox. He was sick one time but my parents got a new game for him. I tried playing the games with him but his taste is a little weird... I like gta and wwe 2k but he likes sonic and rpg games. So my question is should I start charging him since he didn't put in a single penny for the xbox? No advice this is not dr. Phil, just strait up yes and no and why yes or no.


Favorite Answer

you can make your account the single account on the console, then put a password on it that needs to be entered every time you turn on your console. then, you can make your account the adult account if you're over 18, and his the child account you can set restrictions on what he can do on your console.

or, just talk to your parents about it and work it out as a family.