I don t really love dogs my gf finds that a huge turn off ?

I m not a big dog lover she has a few of them and I don t mind them but I don t really cherish dogs like at all. I m not a bad person or that I just never got huge into pets..we ve been together for a long time like 8 months but dogs and I don t know I wouldn t mind living with a couple but I can t love love them an that bugs her. Do you guys think the you know is our only solution ?


why do people love dogs so much? Im not really like fascinated with them or anything like I really don't mind a pet or that but they're not like ohhh let me get a pet.. I just have never really been head over heels for them. and tons of people love dogs so whats the deal with me? I feel different like I don't belong haha I know that sounds kind of silly but I'm seriously trying to understand maybe I'm nota caring person? i am good with children but you know.


Dogs are disgusting I don't understand how people find them cute
Their filthy and bring filth everywhere you go
You're aloud to have an opinion
Whether she likes it or not she needs to respect your thoughts and feelings
And not call them "a turn off"
Not everybody has the same likes and dislikes
I personally was scared of dogs for majority of my life
You can use that as an excuse or you can
Man up and say "look it's how I feel, and idc if it's turn, you liking a pest and calling it cute and treating it as if it were a cute toddler human is a turn off too me "


I think your girlfriend is being unreasonable. Just because she is passionate about something, doesn't mean you are also. It's not like you're an animal abuser. If loving dogs was that important to her in a relationship, she should have made that clear from the beginning. If you loved watching sports, does that mean she is also supposed to LOVE sports? No, it doesn't. Y'all are different people and y'all have different interest and hobbies. You need to tell her that you love her, but you're just not into dogs like that and that's not going to change but you'll still spend time with her and her dogs like going to dog parks or watching her play with them.


Just don't make a mountain out of a molehill :P What I mean is, just don't bring up the fact that you don't like dogs just for the sake of voicing your opinion. That will bug her plus there really isn't a point. It doesn't accomplish anything. It will just hurt her feelings for no reason. Pick one thing you love a lot (maybe something like a hobby or interest that gets you all hyped) and say she constantly tells you how she doesn't like it. Wouldn't that make you mad...like what is she trying to prove.

So, people are allowed to like different things...it comes with the territory or dating really. My bf loves cop cars (he is literally obsessed with them) and I don't get it. I could say "that's weird" or "I don't like them that much" but I don't. I say, "that's cool, where did you get your last car, how did the auction go". I do it because I care more about his feelings then I do my opinion. And in turn he does the same thing with me, for things I KNOW he can't stand. haha xD

I collect Amiibo (I know he secretly hates it) but he asks me all their names, what they do, when they are coming out with new ones, and he will even say "that's cool, can I see how this one works".

He does it because he knows they make me happy.

I would just accept that both of you are different people, and you should respect each others interests. Try asking her where she got the dogs, how long she's had them, what's their favourite treats. It's not because you like dogs, it's more so just because you like her and you are also saying it's okay that you like dogs, that's not keeping me from you...type thing and she will appreciate it.

Don't say "I'm not a big fan of dogs but I guess we can talk about them" leave that part out. Just say something neutral like "how was _____ today" and trust me, it will make her happy again and it's not really a big deal. She might even let up a little with talking about dogs.

I don't really like dogs either but I would hate it if someone told me they didn't like cats. I would rather they just say "oh I've never owned a cat, cool" and let it be :)

We all like something different. Hope this helps!