Is my pug going blind?

Okay so first off, my pug has almost doubled his life span. His siblings only lived to be about 6 years old and my pug is almost 11 years old, so I expect him to have some problems. But lately he has been keeping his eyes more closed than how wide he normally has them open (but he doesn't close them completely). Also, he has always had those 'gooey' eye crystals in his eyes but lately he has had the hard eye crystals below his eyes. His eyes also seem to be 'clouded'. He also isn't too active anymore, such as going to the bathroom, sometimes I have to carry him off my porch to the yard to get him to use the bathroom outside, instead of going on his puppy pads inside the house. Anyone have any advice on how to make life easier for him and if he is having signs of going blind?


We are all just guessing here. It could be anything from a cornea ulcer to an infection. He should see a Vet for the proper treatment. Time is everything, ASAP to your Vet. Hopefully with treatment he will have clear eyes with no problems. Good Luck!

E. H. Amos2016-07-20T18:20:01Z

Start by seeing your VET... for God's sake. You need a DIAGNOSIS! There are tons of eye problems. You would not be very active EITHER if you were possibly going BLIND or developing cataracts. (Of course they CAN be treated or removed...)


Time to see a vet. It may be an in fection that needs the proper treatment to clear up.


you should bring the dog to the vet ask him/her to be checked and ask the vet if your pug is going blind and if so how to help your elderly dog.


place a treat on the ground 10 meters from the dog and see

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