Team leader doesn't like me?


In the middle of June I have transferred to' S' department with a male team leader who is in his late 60s. I am just there a month only. Before this I was in 'P' department. This team leader previously ever talked and joked with me until few months back after he heard that I am going to his department he stopped talking to me. First day when I reported there he asked other colleague to pass message to me. I have never worked with him before and I work in this company for 8 years and has 4 team leaders who are very professional and no problem with them. If I have never worked with him before how could there be any personal conflict? Working life becomes an emotional roller coaster. This is the first in my life time a supervisor who doesn't talk to one worker but talks very nicely to others. But at times when he talked to me (few words only) he sounds like I owe him something and very unpleasant. What actually he tries to prove? He is a re-contract team leader who after retirement decides to stay employed. I don't think I am a threat to him because I am just living and working as a low profile person. Your advice is very important to me. Thanks!


It really doesn't matter, at all. Don't let it bother you. You weren't planning on marrying the team leader. Why should you give a DAMN if they like you, or not?


they don't like anyone.


Are you a registered Democrat? If so, shoot him.


Smack her.