She says i stole him... but i didn t and now she wants to fight me : ( pls help?


Favorite Answer

You can't steel a person, people have their own free will. If you feel physically at risk, I wouldn't blame you for going to the police (and if you are at school going to a senior member of staff about it). What she has done is threatening behaviour and therefore a criminal offence.
If you do end up in a physical altercation that you can't get out of, firstly tell her that you don't want to fight (making that clear does give you moral superiority) but if it continues then I wouldn't blame you for defending yourself in a reasonable way.
By the way, "self defence" legally is when you have no way of walking/running away (i.e. if you are trapped) and fighting back is literally your only option, if you can get away without physically harming her then it isn't self defence. You committing violence as well should be a last resort.


It's Time to Fight! Finish her !😁


Its sad when people cannot accept their own failures. If it comes down to it, defend yourself, one punch to the throat will end it quick.


Tell your parents or a teacher.