As Mark Twain said, "Diapers and politicians ought to be changed often...... for the same reason". But how can anyone vote for Trump?

Google "Anti social behavior disorder". Use a good source, say Mayo Clinic. There is a list that defines this problem. How many do you think Trump has?


Favorite Answer

I agree fully, Trump suffers from at LEAST narcissistic personality disorder


Touche. However, the average voter has a lot of quirks too, which might need counseling. That's why Trump has a following, plus he speaks the mind and feelings of many frustrated people.

Dr Yes level 9 since 19992016-08-05T16:10:45Z

Because his followers also need to be changed. And for the same reason!


The same people who ask "How can anyone vote for Clinton?" Or "Sanders?" Or "George Tonail.


Twain also said, "It's easier to fool people than to convince them they're being fooled."

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